Lags, please take a vacation bud. I'm very worried for you. I know you want to finish everything but you need a break. Ignore the hate and just take off for awhile.
I'm working on a web app that's making me pull my hair so I can only imagine what your going through. If you need to talk just let me know.
If anyone complains, f'em. It's your game, your content and your choice. Do not get pressured into burning yourself out.
Big love bud, doing full stack development so I know to a degree what your going through. Everytime I think I might get done by the cut off time I think of something else I can add to make it better. Then I sit for a solid hour wondering how am I going to do this and do 15 different ways on a write board while asking myself "wtf am I thinking". Take a breather
Love you bud