This voxel style is really something I can get down with. It looks so old school and so modern at the same time and I'm just mesmerised by it!
Ahem, sorry, got sidetracked! This demo really blew me away, it's so amazingly well put-together and charmingly devilish! The characters are all begging to be fleshed out more, the story seems to be very Faustian with a very liberal dash of goofiness and the puzzles are so far shaping up to be nice and brain-taxing!
Add to that a pretty awesome soundtrack and inevitable plot twists and this could be something really amazing! I'll be backing the Kickstarter for sure, and you all should too! Well, I mean you should give the demo a try first I guess, but I nigh-on guarantee that it'll make you wanna throw money in the dev's general direction!
Oh yes, as for you IndieBug, keep up the awesome work! I super enjoyed this =)