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(6 edits)

yeah i'm fed up with these responses and need to barf this all out

if i compare your rude response to RUSRS response yeah RUSRS's is better and yours btw is so fucking rude for no reason

now let me break down your response

1. " (Which may I remind you, wouldn't exist without Fasguy's code)"  

wrong because it can exist without it.

and stupid because it's like saying "september eleven wouldn't have happend if al-Qaeda existed". (sorry for choosing september eleven i haven't thought of anything better)

2. "You're blowing this whole thing out of proportion" 

Bro you are making the situation look worse than it actually is

3.  "Fasguy's Mod Menu provides more than yours"

Not really just a tiny bit more but honestly have you ever even used my mod menu?

if so you would know it has features like asset modification like materials levelassets etc, spawn npcs, modify the values of any component tho currently the fields you can modify are ints, floats, enums and bools and finally call method

4. "various features in yours are broken(such as FOV)"

i'm sorry various? nah i don't think so you doughnut

5.  "This has 0 reason to be a competition"

Huh? has anyone said a word about competition? no i haven't dude Missingtextureman101 i think you have misunderstood look people                              do like my mod menu it's just that some say the mod menu from fasguy                          is "better" even going as far to say my mod menu is garbage which i don't find amusing.

6. " If something is better than what you're offering, instead of crying about it, you could try to improve your own mod menu." 

What a harsh man you are, you are correct though i could be improving my mod menu but i just saw these responses from people time to time again and i just hated it 

7. "Expecting an apology out of anyone is pointless"

yeah i sure i actually made fun of these guys that don't even know how to program in c# heck they don't even know how hard it is 

big W