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A wonderful roguelike about a guy who happens to be bald. Gameplay is fun and intuitive for the most part, and the RNGless approach to combat makes learning enemy attack patterns the primary skill you need. Abilities are fun to use, though there are some balance issues (armor crush is hot garbage), and you will often find alternative ways to use skills. Preparing a strong attack for enemies at a bottleneck or using ground-slam's AoE to give yourself extra range is fun (gasp) and most of the abilities I encountered had at least a few uses.

As for criticisms and suggestions, one thing I immediately noticed was had I not read the game's description or used the help screen I probably would've never intuited how to find the skills menu. I would suggest either a skills button or tab next to the main inventory, possibly with a bold S to hint at the keybind, that can be pressed to open and close skills. Alternatively have it to where clicking an empty skill slot opens the skill menu. I also frequently shield-blocked myself and messed up my rotations trying to play quickly, a dedicated Rest button could probably remedy this some. A way to click and hold navigation could be nice too.

Total playtime: roughly 1 hour 15 minutes. I did not reach the end because of goblins.

Hey, thanks for the review! Glad you had fun exploring the dungeon while getting to know how to make the most of the available skills. Armor Crush kinda sucks yeah, I'll probably make it so maces put a debuff on enemy's defense just with the normal attack instead of needed a skill for that.

Also yeah, you are not alone when it comes to almost missing out on skills. I really need to put a button in the UI for that, one that's easy to spot. A dedicated rest button was something I was going to implement but somehow forgot about. ^^u

I've added some stuff from your comment to my tasks backlog, so many thanks for the feedback!