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when i had ammo it felt very much the same in quality to boomer shooters i've played, but no matter how much i conserved i would start to run out and eventually have to run guns blazing into a full room (which lead to some cool moments) as the only way forwards and my loss would feel out of my control.

a few things

  • the shotgun design and polish is very good
  • it seems like the player has to aim very accurately to hit, i don't have anything against the design choice but it makes me miss the classic style of being able to fire a pistol down a hallway with a bunch of enemies in knowing i'm hitting them
  • i wanted to kick open the bathroom doors, just for immersive reasons
  • i found the secret with the health pack and the poster
  • aside from the aforementioned running out of ammo and then being railroaded into a busy room,  i didnt find the level design bad in any way, other than that the second and third auditorium didn't lead anywhere