I really wish in the next update they fix that money glitch, I've been trying to get potions and other stuff but all it says is 'Done' and it doesn't show up in my inventory even though it says I've made a purchase, I also wish I can see how much money I actually have or have earned or lost, it's so infuriating trying to guess how much you have without anything to tell you.
From my testing, unless you've already gotten to the event where you can start earning money; triggered by trying to buy something from Aero before you'd normally have money; you're stuck. I've also tried getting rid of the money by passing out in the Western District a little over 2 dozen times so far with no change. I can think of 3 possible reasons for this: 1) It's not actually taking the money, 2) The flag in the code for having money can't go away the way it currently is, or 3) The rate of money loss for passing out is either extremely slow, or fractional, the latter potentially meaning you can't lose all money that way. I'll be curious if they provide any explanation in the changelog once it does get fixed.