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Very nice, I like that you're developing your own tone and style here. It's good. The writing can be pretty funny, but a little on the nose at times. I think some editing is in order, with the writing and also with the world design. A lot of the writing could be cut down by like half, and I think it would help the character and jokes actually come through a lot better. And the level design could also probably be condensed by half. Walking around the city for instance, it feels like there is basically one single joke/thing per screen. Which feels too sparse. These basically all fall into what I consider "pacing issues", which are fortunately not hard or laborious fixes. Just about keeping the various types of content smoothly going into one another, timing them right, keeping things tight. 

Also, the game would benefit massively from a simple 2d screen space lighting system. It would add so many layers of character to the world. You don't need anything fancy, just basic point lights. Yellowish ones for the street lights, white one for the player and NPCs, flickering one for the TVs, etc... It's really quite easy to implement.

Good luck!