Shows a ton of potential, love the style. So I wrote a ton of notes while playing
I did a "grab the grafitti" challenge and then a combat challenge as my first two and honestly didn't enjoy either at all, but then I did the "race across different buildings" challenge and liked it quite a bit! (Could have an indicator for what the next building to move to will be, though.) My favorite stuff in the game is definitely traversing larger platforms and not doing any precision stuff. Just bouncing and flying around the "open world" is super fun, but that seemed like the only challenge to lean into that.
The player should probably decelerate some in the air if they're not holding any direction input, the movement can feel a bit finnicky as it is. Conversely, it might feel better to have a bit LESS friction on the ground with no input. I'd pretty much just rip values straight from Quake for this.
I don't like how picking up balls gets rid of the power you have on that hand, I'd expect it to come back when you throw the ball.
The distance to pick up a power from walls also feels a bit short, I never felt confident in doing it while moving, which seems to be the point.
It seems like running up/down slopes has no effect on jumping, which feels like a huge missed opportunity. You could add a lot of depth and fun to the movement by making up-slope jumps convert some of your momentum upward, and down-slope jumps push you faster forward. Like Sonic, or Tribes/Quake/Source games.
I like basically everything about how this game looks quite a bit, except the player's hands.
I'd suggest moving/rotating/scaling them a lot more in the animations. You'd be surprised how much animation you can "fake" by getting good at that, without actually drawing very many frames.
I also think giving more life to the sway/inertia when moving around would look a lot better. I'd describe basically all of the hand animation as "stiff" right now.
FIGHT KNIGHT makes fantastic use of these two things. You maybe shouldn't be AS bouncy and over-animated as those are, but I think that'd be something worth experimenting with.
I hated doing animation until I watched this, check it out if you haven't: