You have most basics down but the available content is not good in its current form.
The game is easy even on max difficulty. This could work as a design decision if the pacing was good, but currently there's just a lot of empty stretches in stages and then a few bottleneck moments that could be actual challenges. It feels like a formerly hard game that was algorithmically stripped down of its difficulty rather than a properly designed easy game. So much time is spent just holding fire with no threats.
The second boss just makes me think this would instantly be a far more interesting game if you could flip your fire from left to right, with multi-directional scrolling. Right now I have no idea why the presentation is even horizontal.
For both characters laser is completely busted and shot is comically useless in comparison. Either their damage needs to be adjusted or you should add some delay between the two so that you meaningfully hurt your mobility by using the laser. There is no visual or audio feedback on whether it is hitting bosses either.
There's waaay too many bombs. When you lose bombs on death this sort of design tends to incentivize players to not try to play the game.