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This game is really charming somehow, I quite like  the characters.

The art of course, isn't great.

There's a bit in the how to at base that's unreadable due to a white background.

I like the way you show who's turn it is by moving characters back and forth, could turn that into more of a mechanic, more damage if enemy is closer, or if their back is turned or something like that.

Battles in the beginning feel too long and there's too many of them before you get to make proper tactical decisions, you know, in the "just press attack and use whatever skill is available" phase.

I'm actually really not into JRPG style games but I'm a little amazed at how palpable the genre becomes for someone like me when just controlled by mouseclicks instead of with a controller.

Mosca is cute.

Thanks for trying out the game. I'm flattered that you spent time making fanart too.

Last couple DDs I mostly got bug reports and people confused about how to play but now I'm getting replies about the art and UI instead. I guess I should take that as a positive development. 

The beginning is indeed a bit slow since it's basically a bunch of tutorials until level 5 and I made those levels back when I was learning how to make a game to begin with. The goons aren't threatening even with the reworked AI so they probably need some readjustments or more noticeable handicaps for the player inside the battles, not necessarily to make the player weaker but to at least offer some variety.

I do have a commitment to making the entire game playable only with the mouse, although everything has keyboard shortcuts too. The only exception is the game speed which can only be controlled with the Q-E buttons so far.

I'm flattered that you spent time making fanart too.

It's really an excuse for me to practice digital art which I'm new to but I'm glad people enjoy them.