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The concept is pretty good and for a jam game, it's fine!
I don't think I've seen an incremental/clicker game with this setting/concept.

If you want to push it forward, I've got a few suggestions or notes:
- the game doesn't properly scale up, it stays on a small portion of the window. It's not ideal.

-Right now, as it stands, it's a fairly short game, here are a few 

New delivery methods, changing "markets" (aka rewards or time for delivery might change due to random events or competition), adding the possibility to automate the deliveries instead of endlessly clicking, maybe adding a research panel where you can unlock upgrades (Like going from foot delivery to bike, to motorcycle, to truck, etc.), it's a bit like your upgrade system but with more context; maybe adding per method both the number of packages delivered and the speed at wich it can be delivered (example: by foot, you will take a long time, and only deliver a small number of packages, while by truck, you can go faster, further and carry more, and upgrades can grow these numbers), there are some other ideas to explore but they might get too far away from the original concept.

But otherwise, pretty lovely game!