Thank you for playing and for your detailed feedback!
Damage feedback, charge up indicator sound great, I will definitely add that. Ah, the Viridian Orb. I had a problem with the projectile colliding with the player mesh and forgot to change the spawn location after fixing it.
That you were only able to select 2 spells on the right hand is a real problem. No idea what could cause this. The axis mapping should be the same on the Index as on the Rift. Hmmm. Performance is also a well known problem, I don't really know how to fix it tbh :(
Yes, after getting the feedback from this demo I'll rework the whole progression system. A lot. I'll probably make smaller floors with less rooms, a boss fight on each floor that rewards the player with a new spell. Or maybe a spell each time a new enemy type is introduced.
How did you remap the VR controls?