Man, thing looks real damn fun, but it just doesn't wanna cooperate. I do not currently have a gamepad available, and, contrary to what your description says, the game seems to be completely unaware of my keyboard's existence.
I downloaded VJoy and even x360ce, but to no avail. The closest i got to a playable state was being able to steer my ship... although the directions were inverted. Couldn't fire my weapons, couldn't do the (oh-so-awesome) inertial flight, couldn't even navigate the menu properly.
Judging by the trailer, this game is amazing. But it's ridiculously unusable as of now, at least for those who don't own a gamepad.
And yeah, yeah, i know, not owning a gamepad in 2019 is somewhat ridiculous. But IMO, this doesn't seem like the kind of game that would benefit from gamepad input. In fact, it might just be a bit too complex for gamepad input, i reckon, and would be more playable with a keyboard.
Whatever the case, please fix your input system and make sure it handles the keyboard properly. And/or maybe tell Unity to show the prelaunch input manager.
Hope you handle this issue soon. Can't wait to blast these alien bugs to bits.
My OS is Windows 10, if that's of any help. Not sure what other kind of system info would be useful. If you need any more details, please reply.