I love the art pieces, your thumbnail and the blue parts of background.
"Adversary" and "Division" rooms had these holes in t he ground. It felt weird that the mc could walk over them as if they weren't there. I wonder if they have a purpose. I tried making the spike sword enemy fall into it, but failed.
In the room "Do not feed", if you press Down while under the ladder, it makes you go onto the ladder. No big deal, but your game is super polished so I thought I'd mention it didn't feel natural.
The chill song is a good break from the main theme. Very much needed.
And of course, I love the idea of transforming enemies. I noticed that if I died and returned they would still be transformed, but eventually would return to original forms? I don't know what triggers it. Probably time itself. Since I died a lot and was punished having to walk back, I was appreciating finding enemies already transformed. When I saw them back into original form it didn't feel as good (feels like progress was taken from me).
Edit: I've played using a xbox controller and wasn't able to move using the left stick (I tried the options menu). I'd appreciate having that option.