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First of all, I really like the animations on everything, from attacking, getting hit, running, and comboing enemies. It all just feels so smooth, which is something I couldn't achieve with my game cuz I suck at programming lol. It's so satisfying to do stuff in this game due to the animations alone. The feedback when hitting enemies is pretty good but could be better with punchier sound effects, but even still, the visual effect gives good enough feedback. Graphics and art direction is awesome, and the music is great. Any chance you could add different enemy types or perhaps other levels?

hey! We really appreciate your feedback! Glad you enjoyed our game. we were able to get such smooth animation by using animation curves. the state machine was really helpful while building player and enemy actions. also due to other participants and the jam host asking for an update we will be adding more content soon! Due to time crunch and webGL2 not working properly on one of our devices we only have a windows build atm... so we will also work on a webGL build too!