Thanks for this, very interesting perspective.
First yes, Lilith is a big part of the story as mentioned in the previous reply, second its a famous name that may carry the game into more clicks, and this is our main goal with steam, as its going to be shown to potentially millions of people, even if some of them are dissapointed in some way, it will be a tiny minority. right now the title is not working.
as for your comments, Blade in fantasy means bodyguard, protector, or right hand, for instance if you played Elden ring, Milenia is refering to herself as "Malenia blade of Miquella" as in she's their Fixer or executioner, its also a reference to a "right hand". in Game of thrones they have the title "the hand" which is basically the same thing.
also a Maiden can be a guide, or a lady a knight fights for. knights in lore are service men, they give their sword to someone, either to a lord or a lady, certain ladies in fantasy are maidens - more pure.
at any rate, my thinking at this time is leaning toward using Lilith's fame in the name, and to emphasize her role in the story as the driver of the plot. after all she's the one influencing the MC to start the adventure, and to make certain major choices.
the time in the cabin in the woods is longer then a few days, as he learns how to survive and how to hunt, so he becomes tougher, one of the hints to this is he's actually growing hair on his chest and hands ;) in the first scene in bed he is hairless. in the tournament we see that he was always handy with the bow and daggers, so he has that covered by years and years of training. usually combat training starts with dummies but princes usually have the best trainers to dual with for years - you can see depictions of that in house of the dragon.
basically that's what they would learn most of the time, imagine there is no TV, no other kids to play with, not much to read, so they basically trained since a very young age.
And later on they would do tournaments for entertainment when they are older, and that's unrelated if they were ever in actual battle or not.
Thank you so much for your input, I'll give it some more thought.