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What are Omen's abilities in the game?

1.    Superhuman Strength: Omen was incredibly strong, able to lift heavy objects and overpower his enemies with ease.

2.    Enhanced Speed and Agility: Omen was able to move at incredible speeds and was exceptionally agile, able to dodge attacks and move quickly in combat.

3.    Mind Control: Omen had the ability to control the minds of others, influencing their thoughts and actions to suit his purposes.

4.    Shape-Shifting: Omen was able to transform his body into various forms, including a bat, wolf, and mist.

5.    Hypnosis: Omen was able to put people into a hypnotic trance, rendering them defenceless and susceptible to his will.

6.    Immortality: As a vampire, Omen was immortal, and could not be killed by conventional means.

7.    Healing Factor: Omen possessed a powerful healing factor that allowed him to recover quickly from injuries and regenerate lost limbs.

8.    Telekinesis: Omen had the ability to move objects with his mind, allowing him to manipulate his environment to his advantage.

9.    Elemental Control: Omen was able to control elements such as fire, ice, and electricity, using them to devastating effect in combat.