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(2 edits) (+1)

5/9/2023 VOD:

I'll provide my feedback from the stream tomorrow! 

8. So to Speak (Technical issues when I played this one. I'm so sorry, I am not sure exactly what happened).

Your overall theme is great! I love learning Japanese and this was a very fun learner. From a gameplay perspective, it was a bit difficult understanding how to put the words together at certain areas. I recommend a popup tutorial visually showing each way the player can use the words. Since this is an educational game, it is more about learning rather than having mindless fun. Art and sound mix well with your theme!

9. Feisty Fauna

Exhilarating and addictive! Twitch integration is fantastic. Everything worked as intended. Controls/UI feel good. Love the extra characters and accessibility options for changing gameplay. Small critique to change sound of airstrike as the sub-booms don't sound pleasant to the ear over the repetition of the game.  This game would benefit from extra flair on enemy attacks to slow down or to cripple the player to spark more intensity. More game modes like random spawned enemies would also be fun!

10. We Are Not Alone

Great attention to detail in this thriller adventure game. Switching from first person to third person by using the camera is brilliant. I love the thrill sensation instead of the game just trying to scare me with jump scares. Mysterious storyline to peak interest. Very excited to see where this is heading! Voiced dialogue is not necessary, but I think it would enhance the experience even further.

11. Treacherous Journeys

Fully voiced dialogue is always nice. Health works. Mana works. Potions need a sound effect when used as there is no audio cue to confirm I pressed the right button. Also showing how many more potions I have in the slot would be helpful. Combat is good for an RPG. Only critique is the flinched hits as it is almost impossible to attack back when surrounded by 4 or more enemies. I recommend adding option to click and drag skill from the skill UI into the Hotkey box as that is more natural for gamers than selecting the hotkey boxes first. 

12. Crab Raid Tactics

Super cute art style! How do you not love the looks of these crabs? Would benefit from popup tutorial on how to play after starting new game and tooltips describing what each icon means when selecting another map. Controlling the crabs separately plays into the game's strength of using strategy, but on the other hand, not being able to control them all as a singular group plays into a weakness. This is even more apparent during the boss fights. Overall, it's an addicting and fun game with great art and cute UI elements :)