Really nice, great job so far. Feels very fun and polished already. I didn't understand the AP system at first. But once I got it, I really loved it. It's very smooth and adds a lot to the system. Like someone else said, like Fallout 1/2, but without the insane clunkiness of those games. I would consider changing out the red "X" when you're out of AP. Before you "get" the AP system, it's very frustrating and obnoxious to see a red X and not know why you can't do anything. Last DD there was a game, Lunchbox Reverie or something, that had a really clever and intuitive way of messaging "exhaustion, can't act" right on the player. I'd check that out for some better ideas. Plus, drawing attention to the AP is a good idea. In fact, it's so core to the whole thing, I'd consider just putting the AP dots right under the player, instead of in the HUD. Enemies could use them too, and it might provide some great strategic moments to exhaust the enemies.
Ok, second point. I honestly think that most AGDG games miss the mark in term of difficulty (myself included), and this is no exception. It's a sort of blind-spot of a developer to keep tuning the game harder, because you've probably put in hundreds of hours playing it, and know every little trick and tactic so the game feels right for you. But for a new player, the difficulty is just smothering. Difficulty ideally should be the spice in a dish, helping bring out the full flavor of the mechanics. Too much makes the entire game unpalatable. Because you get creamed so fast as a new played (or rather, *I* get creamed so fast), there is no opportunity to build tension. I die before anything matters. If the difficulty was tuned down, then after playing for like 10 minutes on a life, you start getting invested in your progress and items and all that. Then, each encounter is infused with tension and high stakes. That is what makes games like this engaging. As it stands, I keep dying so fast that I don't really care too much.
Lastly, please learn from my mistakes. Do not put the word "quest" or "adventure" in the name of your game. Another anon described them as cursed names, and they were exactly right. I names my last game "Frauki's Adventure!" thinking it was cute and on the nose. No. When most gamers see a title like that, they instantly categorize the game as trash. I see there is humor here, lean into that. Stevens Sausage Roll. Pizza Tower. Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. Liberal Crime Squad. These are the kinds of names you need if you have a funny/odd game that you want people to notice.
Good luck!