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Fully voiced dialogue is always nice. Health works. Mana works. Potions need a sound effect when used as there is no audio cue to confirm I pressed the right button. Also showing how many more potions I have in the slot would be helpful. Combat is good for an RPG. Only critique is the flinched hits as it is almost impossible to attack back when surrounded by 4 or more enemies. I recommend adding option to click and drag skill from the skill UI into the Hotkey box as that is more natural for gamers than selecting the hotkey boxes first. 

(1 edit)

Thanks! I watched the VOD and you had some good pointers there too.
Potion sounds now added to TODO list, as well as cooldown periods for stuns.
Skill assignment UI is planned to be totally reworked and integrated with the (coming) skill tree.
Will definitely be looking at the missing hit audio you experienced. I'm kinda thinking it might be because you missed?
Also - I've long been against implementing quest markers, preferring to  but this is something I've now heard from so many that I might give in :)


Ah if I missed an attack, then a visual cue that shows us that we missed would be awesome! That would explain why we didn't hear anything. You could also make quest markers an accessibility thing. Let it be on for people who want it on but have an option to toggle off for people who want to be more immersive.