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I just played your new update and its amazing. I started with the option to only play with new zones and well, starting off with a lift HELL HOLE and massive turrets that i have to hide from but cant kill and the lack of any source of power end then the level ends. I go again and slowly the reactor ticks down and my health depletes until i die. i'm not saying it's a bad zone it's great. but by itself repeating over and over is a nightmare. I also had the pleasure of noticing that if i was 7 seconds late to the exit door i would have been a goner. I would like to suggest a new zone. A space zone but its not just for the looks but a new gameplay element. in space there could be lifts that could rotate you sideways or upside down. i think this would be even better paired with the massive turrets.

"Only new" is just to check out new zones and if there's just one, it repeats over and over :) If the reactor reaches zero, you don't die immediately, your health goes down a bit every second.

Your idea for the level is already on my list. A tube in which you go to sides, effectively going upside down after a few lifts. It may require a stronger VR stomach, so I'm on edge here. But I am going to try it. I haven't thought about having turrets there but it really makes sense. It's a good idea, thanks :) I have a few other lift based level ideas written down. Cylindrical one with enemies in the centre or/and around. On a wall, where you go sideways and up/down only with huge spiders crawling on that wall you're climbing. A shooting range where you have to get the rythm of shots and fit between. And using the bridge, there is more you can do. One of the things I really want to have is a ship dock in which you are going under a ship getting a maintenance and you could control some of its turrets. A level in which some of the platforms are enclosed and every, say three minutes, there is something that can kill anyone in the level (it can be ironworks with molten iron being purred over platforms, a huge reactor or some more exotic stuff, like "evolution chamber" in which there are cycles, there are lots of inanimate objects that slowyl evolve into attacking enemies and at the end of each cycle there is a purge that kills anything not inside safe rooms.

that is alot of really cool ideas that i cant wait to see. I would not have any problem with any gravity zones you wish to throw at me as i can take almost any confusing or nauseating experiences just fine, but for others you might need to add an option to disable these zones.

There's already an option for zones that require crouching, stronger VR stomach zones are no brainer then :)

One of the ideas that do not add anything to the gameplay but keep coming back to me, are pendulum lifts.