great game with great potential. a few critiques though.
1) the game needs a tutorial. yes, nobody likes them, but everybody likes understanding the controls.
2) we need the ability to change keybinds and the ability to aim with the mouse. i feel most people are used to controlling games with WASD, rather than the arrow keys.
3) dodging, sprinting or some method of moving fast is a must have. i see what you're going for, but there's a lot of dead ends and long halls, making the ability to dodge enemies a must have.
4) while this is more of a nitpick, i think translations should be the first thing the player sees when the game is started, or perhaps move them to the menu. it's not necessary, but it would be helpful.
5) enemies should have a visual indicator to tell the player when they've hit a weak point. it doesn't have to be a shower of gore, just something small, like a burst of blood (or blood equivalent) to show that your hit really hurt them.
6) the melee weapon (a broomstick i think) has terrible hit registration. i have seen the go through enemies and hitting flies is almost impossible if they're slightly above you. i mentioned earlier that there should be the ability to aim with the mouse and this is one area where it would be so helpful.
7) a stamina bar or indicator would be beyond helpful. i've noticed that if you melee too quickly, you won't be able to melee for a bit. while i'm not sure if that's intentional, it would be a good way of making the game more engaging. i propose that a stamina bar is added that naturally refills, but is depleted by doing melee attacks or being hit. this would let the player know how many times they can be hit before being stunned.
8) saving others? i noticed there's a couple people scattered about the game having "happy endings". while it's nice to have a couple unique animations around, i think they should be savable for a reward. this could be as simple as killing a few zombies for a medkit and a bit of ammo. for the most part, finding other people just boils down to "oh, there's more enemies there. i'll go somewhere else.
9) a way to decrease the cum(?) meter. it doesn't make sense to be constantly on the edge of finishing.
10) save slots. while you can make "saves" you can't pick which saves you load, just the most recent one, which makes getting some of the animations a little annoying.
aside for that really long list, this is a game with great potential and while it probably won't be a very popular game due to the genre, that doesn't mean it's bad. i'm very intested in see where you take this game and any potential future projects of yours
good luck.