I have been doing some runs which each weapon, and my best score so far was 599 with a shotgun.
The game looks and sounds great, I love the death animations.
It's ton of fun. The controls are good and a good take on the theme, I really like that the weapons work really differently, in particular the chainsaw compared with the guns. Chainsaw is the most thrilling, it also probably gets a bit worse than the other as new enemies appear (both bullets and the big enemy are bigger threat I think, have not seen further enemies if there are some), which is totally fine. The game is super dynamic and tense, no dead time. Upgrades are very satistying, new drones obviously even more than the others. Difficulty is perfect and the progression of both the enemies and your weapons really elevates the game to something super fun.
Finally the scope of the game perfectly fits the context of a jam.
Very strong entry, well done.