This novel caused me a lot of positive emotions . Very unusual ( in a good way ) a combination of adventure , romance and eroticism . I would even say that this is in some way a unique project.
There is no nonsense like "sex for sex" and the like. Everything is built logically, which is why you believe in what is happening, as if it were the plot of the original "Attack of the Titans " XD. Except that the style of drawing sometimes differs greatly from each other - but this even sometimes dilutes the overall tone of the narrative .
Well , since your team has gone in the direction of realism , then as for me , it 's worth spending a little less time on sex and a little more time on romance in the game . (Although I 'm not sure if other readers want this )
In any case , I wish your team success in their plans . I hope that you will be able to embody all 4 seasons the way you wanted it .
And special thanks for the Russian translation .