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I kept wanting to move the camera to look directly in front of me but it was locked to the ground, I think the best fix would be to zoom out actually, I ended up walking by lot of ingredients that I only noticed while editing my vid. The bike controls were very sensitive, yeah I was using the W key to go forward unless that's wrong,  I was able to get the hang of it at the end there but when I first got on the bike I had no clue how to drive it that's why in most of the video I opted to just walk around. It's kind of hard to explain, but I kept trying to turn by moving my camera. I just hopped back into the game to test out the scooter controls again and I think they are fine now I think it was just the sensitivity that threw me off I'm not sure if lowering that would fix it or if I'm just stupid. Hope you don't take that dookie comment to heart lol I can see the hard work that went into this game.