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Well I just watched all of it.

I'm so sorry.

The order of controls in the rebind menu is random right now as they're in an unsorted list and I didn't get around to sorting them yet.

You mentioned you played 0.4.3, that version has a small issue with the sign telling you about momentum lying as I changed that but didn't adjust the sign. 0.4.4 fixed that.

As you and many others have noticed, the counter not going up and you having to get to the exit for that is just extremely confusing, pair that with the respawn bug placing you at the beginning of the hub level and you have a  real shit sandwich.

I feel the collectathon style could work if I just fixed those two, but the overhead of creating these large  open levels, and the added difficulty of making them good just doesn't seem worth it. That and at that point I feel like I'd deviate too much from the original idea of the game. It's still called Chasm Climb after all. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'll go back to the linear levels. Maybe one day I'll do a 2D collectathon but Chasm Climb won't be it.

Funnily enough I thought this might be my easiest demo yet, turns out no one completed it because if that nonsense.

I noticed you struggling with those alternating metal blocks in the vertical shaft, I actually have a little collision tweak planned that's gonna make those a lot more forgiving.

Hooking onto the thin one-way platforms as you need to do at the end of that water section feels questionable but I'll probably keep it in for end-game levels.

Using a Steam Controller is extremely based of course (been using one myself since 2016) but you should really have it act as a gamepad not as a keyboard. The game supports it just fine. Btw, you can map it without Steam using SC-Controller.

That whole section in the bottom middle of the levels with lots of spikes is terribly designed, yeah. Didn't know what I was thinking with jumping up that tower and the helmet actually can't be collected without taking a hit.

Robo Templar dev is probably right that I should just take a lot more time for level design.

I never had the game freeze on exit. Might be a thing with the appimage, which I didn't test much.

Watching you grind your teeth on the spiky shaft next to the lava area was painful. It was meant to be a more difficult shortcut to get to the higher areas of the level.

You asked how long it takes me to clear the demo, I timed myself and it took about 8 minutes. Pretty much explains why it's so hard for me to make easy levels.

I'm really glad this game doesn't have fall damage

yet :^)


The fan pushing you over the lava pit is not a trap. You're supposed to use the momentum it gives you to jump further. In general the use of momentum is something not a single player seemed to get. You need it as well for the pillars in the lava area. Gotta communicate that better.

I do know about the memory leak but I haven't quite nailed down what it is yet. As you figured out it definitely has something to do with things not being deallocated on death though. Thankfully it's reasonably slow leakage considering the size of the demo.

Thanks for playing man, you're an absolute paragon of this community.

Considering how much I learned from making an actually bad demo I feel pretty confident the next one is gonna be a lot better though.


I think it was worth for you to experiment like that with the game. If anything now you really know what you need for your vision to come true.


I never heard of that, thanks for letting me know (I hope it works on linux)

You asked how long it takes me to clear the demo, I timed myself and it took about 8 minutes. Pretty much explains why it's so hard for me to make easy levels.

I can relate to that in a way. Devs tend to be really good at their own games

I do know about the memory leak but I haven't quite nailed down what it is yet. As you figured out it definitely has something to do with things not being deallocated on death though. Thankfully it's reasonably slow leakage considering the size of the demo.
Yes, it shouldn't be something most players will experience unless they keep the game open for a long time. You still need to fix it eventually.

Considering how much I learned from making an actually bad demo I feel pretty confident the next one is gonna be a lot better though.
I look forward to that. It's great to see a fellow dev level up
I hope it works on linux

It's made predominately for Linux. I believe the dev tried a Windows port at some point.

Fair warning, the UI to make configurations is kinda jank and buggy but once you set those up it just werks.

where did you get it? The package links on github have no data?

There's an appimage on Github

But I just get it from the AUR myself.

nice, I will give it a go over at some point next week