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My dear friend:

Your question does not bother me, on the contrary, it gives me strength to know that you are interested in knowing more about Jesus.

About your question:

The passage you mention is in Matthew 26:39 and it says:

And going a little further on, he fell on his face, praying, and saying: My Father, if it is possible, pass this glass from me; but not as I want, but as you.

Where it says that he prostrated himself, prostrating is a sign of reverence, and at that moment Jesus was praying to his Father, and he wanted to do it reverently.

This passage is a few verses before Judas Iscariot delivered him to be delivered into the hands of sinners (Matthew 26:45-47)

Jesus was praying to his Father, knowing that Judas was ready to deliver him, Jesus was praying, asking the father that the mission that had been entrusted to him (come into the world to die on the cross for our sins) pass to another, if it was the will of the father (My Father, if it is possible, pass this glass from me; however, not as I want, but as you.)

Jesus wanted to do the will of the father, not his own (but not as I want, but as you.)

Jesus was not afraid to die on the cross (and he did) all he wanted was to do the will of the father.

I hope this answers your question, if there is something you don't understand, just ask, and I will answer you, see you soon my friend.

P.S:Muslims have nothing to do with Christians, Islam rejects the Christian view that Jesus is the son of God, as well as that he was crucified, resurrected and atoned for the sins of humanity. (which is true)

I am happy because we are having this rational dialogue..and thank you for accepting my request in this happy fact, I know a lot about Jesus, and we as Muslims believe in him and love him like the rest of the prophets, but the problem here is not a problem that I deny his say that he was crucified in order to  God forgives the sins of humanity well...But if all sins are forgiven, then why do you ask for repentance between one generation and another...It has come to my attention in your holy book that Jesus used to say that whoever believes in him will go to hell (I will try to search for the exact words)..  .. And regarding a crucifixion... How can a father kill his son, as you say, just to forgive the sins of humanity, knowing that he is completely innocent and he is an exemplary man.  ...We believe that the man who was crucified is not Jesus, peace be upon him, but another man, and that God raised him to heaven and protected him..God will not harm him in this way....Then the term (my son) does not have to be in the literal sense, I mean God was saying  Adam is my son..but is he actually his son...then can you believe that God, with His power, majesty, and glory..has children or a girlfriend..or that He will descend among humans and turn into a child...and I want to thank you for being interested in the answer..I love  Religions a lot and talk about them

I already told you that, my friend, but I'll repeat it:

Saint John 3:16 says:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

I know you said it before but it doesn't make sense....God can forgive all people without sacrificing his own son..that's it...I feel like I'm bothering you with me..I'm so glad I'm discussing these things but I don't know if you're reciprocating.  Feeling... Instead, I wish you would read the Qur'an in the English version... not to believe in it, but to get acquainted with true Islam, because there are many rumors and bad and false news about Islam... Your knowledge of the Qur'an will change that.😄✨

No, God could not forgive us without sacrificing his son, because it was written that this MUST HAPPEN, because we were "dead in our trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1).

But God "even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ; by grace you have been saved" (Ephesians 2:5).

And regarding what you say that God could forgive humanity without sacrificing Jesus... that was not possible, because we were "falling short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)

God loved us so much that he sent his son into the world to fulfill the Law, and die on the cross, and thus reconcile us with Him.

"For by works of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight; for by the law is the knowledge of sin." (Romans 3:20)

Jesus, once he fulfilled the law, abolished it, and in this way, he gave us the opportunity to reconcile with the Father, but only if we believe the text of Romans 10:9, and put it into practice.

"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

P.S I don't speak English, I use a translator to talk to you, I'm from Argentina and I speak Spanish

(1 edit)

I was pleased to talk to you... As a Muslim, I do not think it is logical for God to send His Son to be crucified and disgraced by people... This means that God loves humans more than His Son.. It is not logical... Also, by referring to the history of the Bible...  You will find that it was written long after the time of Jesus... The Qur'an is much older than it, as it is 1400 years old... Let's make a quick comparison... No Christian scholar was able to determine who wrote and narrated the Bible after Jesus... They are all unknown.  Do not say that you know more than them, because they are scholars of religion..while the Qur’an we have a series that narrated it on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad..we have the biography of the narrator, and we cannot take his words except after making sure that he is a companion and close to the Messenger and that he is truthful and these qualities in general..The Qur’an was revealed  Inspired by God upon the Prophet Muhammad..Muhammad started by reciting it to the Companions gradually, of course, and it was not revealed at once...Then the Companions began to write down what the Messenger said..until it became one book..There are not as many copies of it as the Bible, so you have many  copying..