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The ending 2 was the first one I got and I was very confused with the numbers at first... and his talk about not feeling cold anymore because of us made me kind of sad, help LMAO

He looks scary, like his eyes, but at the same time he is so beautiful, he looks too much like a vampire. "Let's keep each other warm" This phrase hit me pretty good jzuz

When Reis says that the numbers on the door are the moments of the day that they were together I was SHOCKED, I'd never guess that it was this omg

I felt so sorry for Reis in ending 3, it was so sad, he knew it was weird and wrong his behavior, but dunno... I was sad to reject him, he really need some mental help, or maybe it's just my soft spot for yandere talking louder.

I wanted to know more about Reis u know? What's going on in his head. I was wondering if he really committed suicide (but he probably did) and why he did it when we left, he was really in a dark place, I feel so sorry for Reis... I wish he had a happy ending. But I loved the game, it gave a good atmosphere!


Yeah i feel kinda bad for him as well, i just wanna hug him and tell him everything will be okay. 😢