so happy to see news, this is one of the most promising demos ive ever played. Overall, can you say how far along are you? Are you polishing/near the end, or like 5 years out? its ok if you dont have an answer :)
Hey, sorry for the somewhat late reply.
I don't really have a definite answer but I can say that almost every planned room exists in the game.
It is only version 1 of said rooms though which means a lot of them will be changed / are missing stuff.
But at least almost the entire game world is "done".
As for bosses, around 25% of them are done, so quite a bit left to do in this department.
Enemy types, can't really give any progress numbers here because this is not as planned out as the rest but I'm definitely not done with enemy types and more will be added.
Then there's the planned sound / music rework..
So.. there's still quite a bit to do as you can see.
There's been so many issues where I've had to rework parts of the game because the engine I use didn't play well with what I wanted to do and I'm hoping this particle stuff I've been working on (which is almost done now) is the last of these issues so I can get back to adding new content again. (namely continue working on bosses which was interrupted by the particle stuff)
Anyway, not sure what else to say, hopefully this gives you some answers.
If you're only in it for the money then sure, it makes sense to bail if there's no funding, but that's not the case for me.
Sure, I want (and need) to make money but that's not the main reason why I'm making the game.
But of course I do hope I get something out of the game when it's all done, but I can't expect too much because that would just be setting myself up for disappointment.
Anyway, thanks, reviews and such would be much appreciated whenever it's time for that.