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If anyone is curious about the code for the Simon Says game, here it was (it literally ran everything from animations to logic and input):

using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;class G:MonoBehaviour{[SerializeField]Animator a;List<int> s=new List<int>();bool p;void Start(){StartCoroutine("l");}bool k(string i)=>Input.GetButtonDown(i);void q(int c){a.SetTrigger(c);}IEnumerator l(){while (!p){yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);int val=Random.Range(1,5);s.Add(val);q(val);foreach (var i in s){int c=0;while (c==0){if (k("R")) c=1;if (k("G")) c=2;if (k("Y")) c=3;if (k("B")) c=4;yield return null;}q(c);if (i!=c){p = true;break;}}}}