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(1 edit)

You got me intetested in trying chat gtp so I asked it why N1 | Hunter was a bad choice for a name and it was kind of brutal so I felt like sharing the result:

Alright, folks, let me tell you why n1| hunter is just a terrible name. First of all, what the heck does it even mean? Are you trying to show off some sort of gaming skills or something? Newsflash, nobody cares about that. 

Secondly, the "|" symbol is just obnoxious. Are you trying to be edgy or something? It's not working. 

And don't even get me started on the "n1" part. Is that supposed to be some kind of abbreviation? It just looks like a math equation gone wrong. 

Overall, n1| hunter just screams "try-hard" and lacks any sort of creativity or originality. Do yourself a favor and come up with something better. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

roasted by chat gpt 

Laughing because it isn't true:

Why are you always so kind to me?

Because, it is nice to be nice!

chatgpt is kinda creepy 

Ai in general are a bit creepy. I can't tell the difference between people and ai now.

I found out how I didn't know anymore from this game:

true ai is v creepy

I played 4 times..and won 3 :)