Hey, yes you can pass profile file name on command line as well as auto-enable full-screen, please check the README on GitHub page.
Thank you for your reply. I just spent literally 2 hours trying to get the cmd script to work but what is happening is that I have written a basic script to launch shaderglass.exe with the profile and fullscreen and fifj.exe but shaderglass loads, and cannot see the game running. I believe that running the two exe's at the same time, its not enough time for shaderglass to see the game running to load it, so its just an empty screen.
So then i thought.. lets try this script -
"@echo off
cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\Fix It Felix Jr"
start ShaderGlass.exe -f fix it felix.sgp
timeout /t 5 /nobreak > nul
start FIFJ.exe
I thought, put in a delay where the exe for the game would load 5 seconds later (not ideal as id miss seeing the rom check load screen) but the script just ends at timeout /t 5 /nobreak > nul... (even tried without > nul)
The game exe wont load after this. So just totally stuck to try and get it to boot with the game at the same time. Any help would be very much appreciated!! thank you