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I don't agree with that terminology. Stop getting butt hurt over a video game character cheating over someone. And unlike you whose only goal in life is trashing NTR content, I got to do many things in life so I tend to forget things.

More importantly I'm here to make money and NTR games are most played on DLSite.

And stop with the trash comment before people start calling you a cuck.

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You dont agree with being called a cuck? Well I guess in a sense you are even worse, at least cucks only watch their horrible fetish. Its even worse to create it. Shame you ruined what was just a fun game with something forced 


You are testing my patience now. Stop crying over a game and do some work for fuck sake.

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Dont make divisive content if you don't want divisive comments? If you dont want people to focus on the NTR then just dont make it?


just let the developer create the game he wants, if you don't like it, you can leave this post


what i dont get is that all you "ntr bad" people hate the girl doing it, but the whole point of the game is for the mc to fuck ghosts? its literally the same thing, but that's fine? what?


SIT DOWN CHAD....Go to another game site and play, just don't come back here, no one really gives a shit what you think.....if 10k people like and you don't, that's just life, go find one, ohh and shut your pie hole about it too, you played a porn game dummy.


If you don’t like it, you don’t have to play it. Don’t post such rubbish remarks. It’s ridiculous. There’s no need for game creators to change the direction of creation for you alone. This game is not designed for you. Don’t be a nobrain idiot