For someone who isn't trying to be mean, you sure are.
People can still want to know what they are getting into even if they have sensitive stomachs. Proper warnings won't kill you just like you killing my vibe.
Great horror games even have a dozen of warnings before letting the viewer play.
You can still be sensitive and enjoy horror.
If anything, you're souring the mood for some people by having a gate keep moment in that comment of yours. What's up your butt and died? " Jesus. Grow a backbone. " rude much? There was a better way to go about saying anything.
Yes it is a horror game so HORROR is expected but what kind and how intense? blood? non con? kidnapping? death of animals? could it potentially cause seizures? is it appropriate for someone with heart disease? viewer's discretion is advised? etc etc.
It's just good to put a heads up of what you are getting into. Everyone is different and to tell that person to just stop playing? Wow who died and made you king of how to enjoy a horror game bro?
" I suggest you stop playing horror VN's if you're gonna rag on a good game over some scary themes, which should've been expected with a game like this. Jesus, grow a backbone. "
That is such a gate keep moment.
I saw your comment and it annoyed me enough to comment cause the comment above was pretty harmless and they even complimented the game. You were being unnecessarily rude.
You had a choice to be nice, ignore or be rude. We both know what you choose to be. It takes more effort to be a total scrub than to be nice or do nothing.
Little pp energy.