Some second by second feedback:
- Fullscreen: I'd love to get to fullscreen immediately when playing a windows game Alt+Enter and F4 don't work. What is the shortcut?
- Options: I started the game hoping to set it in the options menu but there's no options menu?
- The main menu - feels more like a media page - add Options, New Game/Continue/Quit instead.
- The media icons are way too small to be immediately recognizable
- The 3 hi-res coins feel out of place: have some chonky gold coins instead
- I'm still struggling to get it in fullscreen. Argh! 😅
- As a player I'm getting thrown straight in the game with no menu. The keybndings are shown behind the coins.
- I'm playing the game aimlessly: "is there going to be an exit?"
- Ok, exiting from any exit and trying to get to the previous room just generates a new random room. This makes having 4 exits pointless. Maybe just teleport the player to the next arena, or have some stairs appear somewhere?
- Have a counter of fights to beat before meeting the boss
- A few enemies spread projectiles in a way that is unfair to the player - they're too close to each other and the player's pretty big.
- I like how shooting enemies telegraph their ranged attack
- I leveled up while shooting and my shotgun flew away from the screen O_O
- I'm losing track of where I'm pointing. I'm in 4K so maybe add a fading out pixelated white line pointing towards the mouse?
- Wait, there's a base? I wished I had known about it before - Maybe start the game from there?
- Pressing E on "Inf." and "Week" does nothing?
- Definitely - start the game on the base 😅 It gives the player a bit more context
- With so little health, why are you using a health bar instead of individual hits icons?
- I died while fighting a boss and instead of having the chance to get back to the base a 3 second countdown happened, making my whole run useless: did the "Retry" button appear while I was shooting and it automatically got my mousedown event as a click? Please wait for a mouseup to happen at least once before accepting any clicks on the UI ;)
- Please fully cover the door entrances when the doors are locked: those crevices are little traps. This also means teleporting the player further inside the room when switching room.
- Please add 1/1.5 seconds of delay to the player before letting enemies attack. Sometimes their positioning is a bit unfair.
- I'm not entirely convinced by the dash. Without it, the game's a bit too hard. But, you can keep it pressed and you're basically a ninjia swooping from one side of the room to another. Maybe have a longer cooldown and require the dash button to be released for the cooldown to start. Maybe reduce the distance it covers? (it doesn't pair too well with spikes) Add more "stacks" of dash to be used?
The game's promising but needs some work to smooth the player loop. Maybe a story, even if a simple one? A clearer endgame condition? So far it's a bit too open ended and it really feels like random rooms chained for no particular reason.