I get that you had a very limited amount of time to work on this but after reading both endings I find myself more drawn to the holes then the message. The village was visited by 2 people, in a world with very few travelers, and they assume that stopping the 2 people isn't going to help? I don't get where the idea of a cycle comes from. Also, ending A seemed to imply that the village had a lot of people, but then that a lot of people would die as a result of stopping 2 people. Besides that, your story concludes with the idea that reading minds would make people understand each other less, but also that doing so would create harmony. I get that people can become closer with strife, but being close is not the same thing as understanding each other. Further, if the village can eventually handle doing so, that leaves a bigger hole in the initial conflict. If their village can handle being separate individuals, then what is wrong with the 2 travelers who seem to be handling being separate individuals just fine?
Regarding the presentation, I recommend if you do another interactive story in Unity that you figure out some better way of handling the dialogue. My experience with engine is limited, but there should be some way to either set up indexed jumping points between each line or setting up the animations so that the system knows what the positions will be at the end of the animation. In either case, you could then allow the player to skip every line as soon as they've read it, as well as to not continue the story if they suddenly have to use the bathroom or grab food. Last resort, you could just program it so that the effect of pressing the skip button is specific to each line of dialogue (so that on lines where there's things on the screen that move, skipping will put them in their final positions immediately).
Lastly, if you're going to default to fullscreen, it's a good idea to put in a quit button. Your player shouldn't have to know about alt-tab or alt-F4.