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(1 edit) (+1)

It has a really good idea of combining Turn-based Combat with Rougelike element. But there are quite a lot of problems like 1) you have to start with a basic weapon and not a piece of cloth that you can only consume and not having a chance to fight back, 2) Line of sight is quite annoying because it doesn't make sense on what hinder your vision and what not, 3) You can't outrun an enemy, so if you have melee weapon then you're screwed, 4) Weapon has durability? why?, 5) If there's no distance between you and your enemy then they can still kill you even if you kill them (i managed to kill 2 shiny and this is how i die?)

Hi, thanks for playing and I appreciate your feedback.

1) You can get basic weapons by fighting bats and sticking to open areas to avoid stronger enemies, but it is a bit luck dependent still.

2) If this is about ranged weapons, I agree it's not perfect, but it should still be clear when a wall is blocking your vision to the enemy, unless I missed something.

4) Mainly two reasons: to combat the player stalling to regenerate health and force them to keep moving, and not make weapons entirely obsolete once you get a better one. I recieved some criticism on this so I'm willing to rethink this mechanic in the future if I decide to develop it further.

5) True, in retrospect this is something I should've changed.