SoulLink AI 0.8.8a Alpha package is now available for testing
- Added Support system (Currently Healing augment only)
- Added Auto Equip On Switch flag to ability sets so that sets without equip animations will still equip/unequip items
- Added Debug Wait Time to Character so that you will be warned if an ability did not complete as expected
- Added Ellen Warrior template with single attack
- Added Ellen Warrior prefab with staff weapon that equips/unequips for combat
- Moved code for using abilities all into Character class to streamline development for support system
- Added Support System demo scene.
- Added AI debug information on SoulLink Editor window when in runtime
NOTE: This should be installable over top of last version. Always backup personal data and prefabs to be safe.
The support system currently only works for a Healing type augment as demonstrated in the new demo scene.