I love long, weird game titles!
The font from the opening cutscene is difficult to read.
"You have one shot per level" - I thought this meant I could only fire one bullet, so I did not shoot any enemies in the first level.
The in-game UI is very cool looking, especially the 1-bit purple character portrait.
The jetstream behind my ship is a little strange-looking, and the strafing rotation feels a little too fast.
I died on my first attempt because it wasn't clear that the explosions would kill me - I thought they were end-of-level fireworks.
The volume and fullscreen menu options don't seem to do anything.
I wish there was a way to skip or speed up the cutscenes. I appreciate the craftsmanship that went into them, but it's hard to justify sitting through a long cutscene after dying in a jam game when I might only have 10 minutes to play each game.
I really like your implementation of the theme - a pilot being demoted for failing stage is really brilliant, and I would love to play a full scrolling shooter game with that premise!