Hello from tonight's stream!
As I've been going through all of the other games submitted before you, I kept looking through the list and seeing this game near the end. Something about it just got me excited and wanting to play it. I had no idea what to expect, and once I did I was very much loving this. For it to be a typing game about fairy tales, I fell in love with it very quickly.
I preface all of this because there were numerous things that I think slow this game from being released upon the completion of the game with a variety of importance.
The least important one was a floating moose friend. Our friend wants to have his hooves on the ground please.
After that comes being confused by the "classic version of Cinderella" because Cinderella technically dates back as far as 7 BC. In that regard, it would be important to include more to describe it. Because my brain went "Okay, Disney version is two. But hold on, they're not the classic version. Okay, so what is it in the classic version? ... Wait, I've never read the classic version nor ever knew who wrote it at all. Where was it written?! I need to look it u- WAIT, EGYPT?!" Finding what I needed was harder than it might seem. XD
When jumping, every jump plays the exact same sound. If you spam jump, it plays it for every press. This should be toned down to not be every jump and to even have some variations.
Books should just automatically collect upon completion. Since they already stop you, the player can easily assume that once they finish it, they're done with it. I know I made this one. XD
On two separate occasions, the game froze on me. Both times were when I was running near an object and would be forced to interact with it. However, the interaction didn't show on screen initially as its physical location in the world is off screen. However, I couldn't move the camera with my mouse to see it or do anything else or hear anything else to confirm my actions.
The option to run should just be the default. At no point did I ever actually need to not be running. This essentially means you're holding run forever. Given that bugs also occur in some circumstances that glitch the run and leave it, it would be better to solve both issues by just removing the run and making it the default speed.
I have found two different typos within the game. For a game that relies on story and typing, I feel it's really important to squash every single typo.
And finally, it absolutely needs a pass at graphic optimization. I had it at the lowest settings possible and I still had framerate issues. Things that didn't need to be on screen by view distance just were, while things that did would just pop into existence at the last second. This needs to be done ASAP because if the game is just going to get bigger, it will result in getting far worse.
I will admit, I'm also being extra rough because of how excited I am about this game. I want to help it see its perfect form.