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                            ------ Beware. Possible Spoilers ahead -----

Guys, turns out yesterday, I randomly triggered the scene in which Booner, and Everett are having sex. As many of you might know already, we are given the option to either blackmail him or keep the secret. And I agreed to the second. I dont like really that Booner teases Everett with the aspect of his sexual desires being secret, but hey thats the story so far, and Booner is being Booner. 

Regardless of Hyao do in the end, I believe Hyao could implement one happy ending event for Everett, where with the support of the MC (And perhaps other characters?) he comes out of the closet and comunicates his soldiers what he really likes without shame/embarrasament. 

I know its just a game but It would be inspiring. Right? Coming out of the closet isnt always easy and  its tough to measure when its the "right" time to do so, specially if we take into consideration Everett´s current position and all the pressure that involves.  Therefore it would be pretty cool. 

If he did, this would shut down Booner because now his teasing wouldnt be revelant anymore. 

This could trigger once everything related to: orc´s war, shapeshifters and mythshore events are fully cleared.  

What do you guys think?


I find your idea interesting, if I think it could be implemented in the game, the bad thing would be that in addition to the missions you mentioned are completed there is also the fact that for now Hyao will concentrate on expanding the new part of the map, so after all, that event you mention could be implemented but in the distant future in my opinion.

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oh, Hyao will absolutely give him a good end or multiple good ends. but Everett coming out wouldn't really make Booner's teasing stop because it's not that he likes men that's being used it's the fact he's a MAJOR slut and I doubt Everett will ever go "hey I like getting butt fucked" to all his soldiers/Northcrest without certain situations being manipulated lol.... also, I don't think anyone would believe Booner and the entire thing is mostly just Everett's and Booner's kink.

like if someone who is known as a MASSIVE perv just randomly said "hey the commander of the entire Northcrest army is a slut" would you believe him? I'm pretty sure this is something both Everett and Booner are both aware of, example being how Everett literally says "no one will believe you if you try and snitch" to try and persuade us to forget and ignore what we just saw when we talk to him about the scene we saw, because it's prolly true that no one would believe some rando who appeared out of thin air claiming the commander is a whore. but the blackmail option still works because he understands if we can get evidence due to what we learned from listening while watching, he is still the one in a worse spot because he won't be able to stop Booner because he refuses to actually be secretive and keep his position in mind, and it would be easy to find someone who could help us. a simple example would be Gunnar or Seth/Scar or Jester/Lionel when we return them home and get rid of the... issue plaguing Northcrest. maybe further on if we befriend Lady Tess, we can call her in if we chose the blackmail route if we just wanna expose him.

I'm also pretty sure it's just the shame and stuff that turns them both on. the idea of Everett being ousted and potentially treated as a slut kinda turns Everett on, while Booner likes having such control and being able to fuck Everett how he likes/when he likes. 

so maybe there could be multiple good endings and a bad ending that seems "good". the main ending would be Everett becoming comfortable in his interests enough and understanding it has nothing to do with his job and shutting down shit of people claiming he isn't good at his job because he likes being submissive in sex by being an insanely good commander like he always has been. a different one would be he becomes more confident again but instead resigns from his position of Commander because he doesn't want to associate his personality outside of work with the army or something and he just does as he wants while helping Northcrest if needed. the last ending would be the "good" one. this one would SEEM to be beneficial to us and Northcrest because Everett would be become focused as all hell and getting shit done fast, but it would be about him repressing the sexual urges and letting Booner just stay in jail for good. eventually though something would go wrong because he stopped being able to focus at all due to being extremely horny and trying to repress it again which would start the reason this path was not actually a good idea and revealing the "good" just meant bad entirely with almost no one benefiting in the end of it except maybe us short term because we got good stuff out of him or something else.

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Thats really good. Maybe they just both like that. Yes, I agree :D. 

I wonder how Everett met Booner the 1st time. Is there some info in the game I may have missed?

What if Booner used to be a soldier as well? I mean... he definitely has the phisique to be one. And why he ended being a pervy insatiable guy xD? I hope we can learn a bit more at some point. Also... if there is a chance to steer Booner from the exhibitionist path, probably better :P

Do you guys think Booner would fit in Bareshade, if we ever have a chance to bring him with us? I bet the MC would have to convince Booner to wear pants again xD. I cant imagine the interactions with other characters:

Korg and Booner:

Booner: meet grizzly big guy. 

Korg: this human isnt like the other humans Korg met already...

Or Booner and Ste:

Ste: good moorning MC, I brought you some spare seeds for... Am I interrupting something?

Booner: for an herbalist you sure have a lot of friends. He is welcome to visit us and Grizzly as well. 

Mc: I can explain it...

(I know, I can only think of Grizzly related lines/dialogues lol)

And Booner meeting Logan... Ooffs.... Probably bad idea? xD

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glad you agree, I just hope I'm right. from what I've read in game I'm pretty sure I am but well maybe something will come out later XD

I don't think we know how they first met. I don't remember any dialog about it but maybe when we become closer to Everett or Booner one of them will tell us? also, I don't think there is anything in game yet. maybe not but possibly?

I doubt he was ever a soldier though; he would look hot as one, but something tells me he was always a perv. maybe he grew up rich or taught no one could say no to him but after he grew up into an adult his obsession with sex caused him to get abandoned and because he was used to women/men flocking to him because he was rich, he just accosts people looking for sex thinking anyone would be ok if they are even near him because of his past. wouldn't explain the way he talks though so this feels less likely of an option, and I doubt any noble would have kept him around if he couldn't learn noble/sophisticated speech.... maybe he was raised by orcs? like the perverse ones that enjoy treating MC as a slut if you submit a bunch. they sound like they would raise him like that. doesn't make much sense considering a different character but well.... maybe Booner was an exception? also who are his parents? if he was rich, when was he abandoned? if he was poor did his parents ditch him around orcs and hope they killed him but instead they raised him for some reason? now I'm curious too lol. plus, the fact we have a like thing with him means he can prolly have a route or 2 so depending on his backstory maybe we could do some stuff to help him. if he's a noble maybe we could reintroduce him and help him learn what the word no means. if he was raised by Orcs maybe we could meet his adoptive parents and see where he learned his personality from.

with fitting into Bareshade it's a big maybe.... it's possible he could fit in if we built him a house and in exchange, he would join the guard and actually behave? it could be fun to train him into being the third guard and join the other two. plus, yeah people would try and fuck Booner if he wore no pants and would prolly end up fucked themselves. we would need to prevent that XD. Booner might want something in exchange.... like a visit once in a while ;P also his interactions would be quite funny. I wonder if Korg would be willing to bottom for him? or if Korg would yeet him into outer space. Logan would either sock him or let it happen depending on previous choices. I wonder if corrupted Logan would be able to change Booner into a submissive top because of how.... persuasive he can be. also, we know full well anytime Booner mentions "Grizzly" he pulls it out so it would get awkward if the character wasn't interested lol. maybe Ste would bottom for Booner with us if we just start sucking him off in front of him.... or if Korg would fuck us with Booner.... well unique interactions aplenty XD