Thank you so much on the complements regarding artwork, especially coming from someone so well know in the WWM community for their artwork, it means a lot! :)
The "no hands" rule was the number one rule we wanted to stick with so I am glad you liked it!
For clarification the Roulette action is "AMONG". The thought behind it is potentially you could build all five of your casinos in fox clearings and net a potential 5VP per turn (with 1:3 odds) or build a casino in each suit for a guaranteed 1VP per turn.
In our playtests, they showed that they could keep up with the pack on average and with some Lucky swings take the game. Though due to the nature of the odds it could always go the other way. We really wanted the punitive mechanism to be in the "gamble" so that is why they loose points, but their whole schtick is manipulating the odds so that they don't have to take as many risks.
We had a new player with only one game under their belt try them out to see how they played with someone still learning and they liked how hands off it felt. With the start of their turn basically dictated by the cards drawn, they were able to sit back and watch other factions without needing to pre plan their turn, allowing them some more understanding of the game. They could see when they needed to catch up in points so would do a Ophidian Roulette or, if the cards they drew favoured a specific suit, commit to a risky battle for some nice points. It was some very interesting feedback.
I would love to try them out outside of the group I play with though just due to the "meta" of the group definitely augments the experience and so our playtests aren't perfect. I would have loved to figure out how to get them into TTS to playtest them with other players but that was outside my wheelhouse.