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(2 edits) (+5)

I have no words for the new update... Weird World surpassed any expectations i had and put them in the gutter. To anyone wondering if to play this game or not, this is the best visual novel on the platform, and if the artstyle isn't to your liking in the begining, i highly recommend to endure it because the later updates areabsoultly peak.


 I had goosebumps the entire time troughout Michael's and Alice's awekenings and MC's fight blew my mind. Ella is so fucking powerful that me thinking I was overestimating her was actually me underestimating her. The captains are even above her. The scale of the universe got so upped this update, MC and Daryl alone became muplti continetnal leve this update and could have easily wiped out the world in a day had they wanted to, what does that say about Ella, and what does it say about the captains who solod her like she's nothing? Or the 12 Apostles and the other cosmic gods that sit at the top? This is pure peak, comapres to action manga like One Punch Man and maybe surpasses them in how hype this was. Thank you, Weird World.