I haven't returned to this game in a while, but having found it while writing up my resume I have gotten to critically thinking about it. I am going to put off writing my CV now and procrastinate by writing this instead:
This is mainly about what ideas could be expanded on from the original submission, and ideas that I missed 5 years ago that I just thought of.
The use of momentum to ride up walls is cool and I remember it being fairly fun to mess around with, and I am proud that I added in a tutorial of the mechanic by following the principles of Egoraptors Megaman X Sequelitis video over the first few levels. However, I think that I was too focused on this aspect of the game instead of the other mechanic, the sniper rifle.
The sniper rifle serves little purpose in the final game, only a needless function for reaching the end of the level to fit the setting. However, I think it could have been much more versatile if given more functions from a restricted number of bullets.
The idea here comes mainly from how frustrating the later levels are to play, which are difficult in the sense of trial and error from projectiles that move too fast and are too frequently placed in the levels, especially since a single hit is all it takes to be killed. Being able to destroy obstacles using the sniper rifle could have made for a slower but more thought-out approach to playing levels.
For example, a room with 2 turrets on the floor and ceiling, and a bomb on the lip or the final entrance to the end room. If the level gives the player 3 bullets, they need to decide which obstacle to keep in the level (they need to save a bullet for the end room). This case is very simple, and players would likely be able to complete the level without needing to remove obstacles, but the idea is still there.
Add in some sort of scoring system depending on the number of bullets you've used, a lock-on function to ensure players don't mess up right at the finish line, and boom: assassination golf is born.
Might work on this sometime as a fun idea, but have other things on my plate right now. Mainly, the whole cv thing. If anybody reads this or plays the game i hope u find it interesting!! and have a good day!
Liam :)