decied to make a reply but with the two endings being so sweet and wholesome i was not expecting Taylors ending but i respect it and im happy i could help cheer him up and help him feel better so in opinion this is also a great ending
my third ending was bad ass omg love sams ending if im ever in a nursery home i wanna start a nursery home band XD becuse thats a vibe honestly
my last ending i love how cringey the nurse is and his ending is the saddest sense i obviously died before him but did this man really decied to bring a chair and sit it in front of my grave just so he can do that pose in the chair love the dedication and all but why? its funny but your lover dies and your just like "wait hold on i need to get this chair so i can do a dramtic anime pose" also sense he was very much obviously the cringey weeb i joking named my character Edgar senpai not expecting that one of words you can actally here him say would be "senpai"