Loved this game and it really did surprise me the amount of depth and emotion in this game. I need an ending guide for all the bad endings now I am still missing 10! lol. I really hope that if the game does well we could pretty please with poptarts on top get a DLC with our favorite drummer Aaron. I really loved him during Doug's route and that feeling only grew during the final route. So please think about giving the little drummer boy his own route in the future. I can't sing enough praises, the voice acting is so great! You normally don't find this level of quality in an indie game. The CGS are gorgeous. I laughed and I cried. I know this game took you 8 years, and it shows it's such a quality game filled with so much heart. I adored the addition of Leon and if any new routes are possible I would love to see one for him as well. Bought it on Steam and will be leaving a review there as well.