Hello, anyone know why i don't see my MC name ?
define nvl_mode = "phone" define MC_Name = "Me" init -1 python: phone_position_x = 0.3 phone_position_y = 0.5 def Phone_ReceiveSound(event, interact=True, **kwargs): if event == "show_done": renpy.sound.play("audio/sound/002_notifText.ogg") def Phone_SendSound(event, interact=True, **kwargs): if event == "show_done": renpy.sound.play("audio/sound/002_notifText.ogg") def print_bonjour(): print("bonjour") transform phone_transform(pXalign=0.5, pYalign=0.5): xcenter pXalign yalign pYalign transform phone_appear(pXalign=0.5, pYalign=0.5): #Used only when the dialogue have one element xcenter pXalign yalign pYalign on show: yoffset 1080 easein_back 1.0 yoffset 0 transform message_appear(pDirection): alpha 0.0 xoffset 50 * pDirection parallel: ease 0.5 alpha 1.0 parallel: easein_back 0.5 xoffset 0 transform message_appear_icon(): zoom 0.0 easein_back 0.5 zoom 1.0 transform message_narrator: alpha 0.0 yoffset -50 parallel: ease 0.5 alpha 1.0 parallel: easein_back 0.5 yoffset 0 screen PhoneDialogue(dialogue, items=None): style_prefix "phoneFrame" frame at phone_transform(phone_position_x, phone_position_y): if len(dialogue) == 1: at phone_appear(phone_position_x, phone_position_y) viewport: draggable True mousewheel True # cols 1 yinitial 1.0 # scrollbars "vertical" vbox: null height 20 use nvl_phonetext(dialogue) null height 100 screen nvl_phonetext(dialogue): style_prefix None $ previous_d_who = None for id_d, d in enumerate(dialogue): if d.who == None: # Narrator text d.what: xpos -335 ypos 0.0 xsize 330 text_align 0.0 #italic True size 20 slow_cps False id d.what_id if d.current: at message_narrator else: if d.who == MC_Name: $ message_frame = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/004_send_frame.png" else: $ message_frame = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/003_received_frame.png" hbox: spacing 10 if d.who == MC_Name: box_reverse False if previous_d_who != d.who: if d.who == MC_Name: $ message_icon = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/icon/phone_hero_icon.png" else: $ message_icon = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/icon/phone_"+d.who+"_icon.png" add message_icon: if d.current: at message_appear_icon() else: null width 50 vbox: yalign 1.0 if d.who != MC_Name and previous_d_who != d.who: text d.who : size 25 frame: padding (10,2) background Frame(message_frame, 23,23,23,23) xsize 330 if d.current: if d.who == MC_Name: at message_appear(1) else: at message_appear(-1) text d.what: pos (0,0) xsize 330 slow_cps False if d.who == MC_Name : size 20 color "#d3d7da" text_align 0.0 # xpos -580 else: size 20 color "#d3d7da" id d.what_id $ previous_d_who = d.who style phoneFrame is default style phoneFrame_frame: background Transform("images/(sg)01nvl_phone/002_phone_bkg.png", xcenter=0.5,yalign=0.5) foreground Transform("images/(sg)01nvl_phone/001_phone_frg.png", xcenter=0.5,yalign=0.5) ysize 815 xsize 495 style phoneFrame_viewport: yfill True xfill True yoffset 30 xoffset 40 style phoneFrame_vbox: spacing 10 xfill True <img src="https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzEyMjkzNTQzLnBuZw==/original/OphwF2.png" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; white-space: normal;">