This game is absurdly good!
I love all the little details you put into Fen. The way its breath condensates in the air; its movement animation that hunches over when it's too big; its belly that appears differently depnding on the prey's activity/cohesion/size; the way it seems to just wander, look around, and hunt prey so naturally; and its subtle but noticeable weight gain as it digests prey are some of my favorite bits off the top of my head. I'm not into hypnosis that much, but also liked how latex Fen's hypnosis power increases substantially when it digests prey.
I also really enjoy the amount of customization it has! It's hard for me to pick a favorite setup and I tended to switch between them a lot. One fun one was ramping up all the difficulty settings, spawning in a bunch of prey, and trying to escape amidst the buffet that Fen was having. Also, thank you for making stuff like motion blur and camera shaking completely optional!
Anyways, I'm excited to see what stuff you'll add in the future.