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I really loved this game until I found out you were using AI art :( it’s sad bc the game has amazing effects with your programming skills and all! But you using Stable Diffusion makes me… :/ Well, I still wish this game the best! I won’t support it though uu.


idk where you saw that but in that case they won't make money so think before saying you won't support it cause the game may end up never finished and that's sad.

(1 edit) (+3)

They shouldn't use AI then: The Proof


I know this is 3 months old but they ARE using AI art lol... so basically stealing other real artists' hard work. Artists work for years to learn to make the art that AI scrapes. And those artists make 0 money - what could have been a paid opportunity for an artist is now a soulless cashgrab. Jago is directly profiting from exploiting artists.

Yeah, I got bad vibes when they updated the demo with those horrible AI generated voices, but them pivoting to AI art is a dealbreaker. This game was succesfully funded on Kickstarter, with 40% of the amount raised earkmarked for "visual and voice artists" so to employ AI tools instead is not only in bad taste, it may even step into scam territory. This is not what the backers pledged for.