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My sensitivity is so fast, I can't control it :((


Yeah, the chaos was really the initial give for that. The idea that you have to hone your movements. It took me a bit to learn how to move myself, and I liked that. When I do another, better, built out fps, I'll put in sandbags and an adjustable slide.

For this project, though, I think it needs a complete rewrite. I set it up so that at z = 0, you die, but then took that out. What I should have done was set the walls and the floor like the cubes, and instead of have a specific zero, I should have put invisible killboxes on collision. I stupidly stuck myself to one plane, and wasn't enough time to refactor. All the collision boxes now are set up correct. 

Just be glad I didn't put in the speed run timer. I think I got down with my testing to about 4 minutes for a clear, but not a 100%.